86 New US Citizens!
Most days, I tend to take the blessings of my US citizenship for granted. I grew up reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag every morning at school. (Do they still do that? They should!) I remember my high school Spanish teacher, Dr. Alberto Valdez. A Cuban refugee, he used to stand on top of his desk, waving a tiny American flag, shouting and preaching to us that we had no idea how lucky we were to be born in the USA. We were kids – and likely thought he was a bit nuts! I grew up, I registered to vote as soon as I was eligible, and I’ve exercised that right every election. But to be honest, the privilege of being born in a country that provides me with so much freedom is not something I think about a whole lot. Like most of us, I take it for granted most of the time. But earlier this week, I had the opportunity to witness the naturalization ceremony of a good friend, Mr. William Aludo of Kenya. And it truly made me stop and give thanks for my country and my...