Mr. Zeeper's Field Trip
As I sat in the front porch swing and enjoying the warm sunshine today, Mr. Zeepers began knocking on the inside of the storm door -- he wanted OUT. So I relented; I figured a little time in the Great Outdoors would be good for him. He's a big snowshoe Siamese, but he is rarely allowed outside. We ALWAYS keep our eyes on him when he's outside, because he's been known to take an excursion or two next door. But he so much enjoys wriggling on his back on the front sidewalk -- who wouldn't like to be outside on a sunny warm spring day? When I opened the door, he made a bee-line to the warm concrete, where he plopped down and rolled over. Once he was done scratching his back, he wandered in the yard beside the porch to find some nice grass to chew on. The mail arrived, and I began to leaf through the letters and papers. A neighbor dropped by, and we sat on the porch and visited a few minutes before going inside to take a look at some work I'd been doing. About ...