Driving / MOON
Remember that *rush* you felt, when you were 16, and you'd just passed your driving test? That license -- still warm from the laminator -- fresh in your hand, gave you a new-found freedom. You could DRIVE! I remember the day I got my license in 1972. The examining officer in our town had a reputation for NEVER giving a 16-year-old a license on their first try. I was nervous when my mom took me to the little white cinder-block building that served as the Highway Patrol Office. Sure enough, there was Officer P. -- sitting at a cluttered desk, typing rapidly with his index fingers only -- which I thought was absolutely absurd, and stifled a giggle! He growled at us to sit down and wait, he was busy. I wiped the snicker off my face and did as he ordered. Rat-a-tat-tat went the manual typewriter -- pounding on my 16-year-old nerves. Then another officer came in the building. He looked at me and my mom, smiled, then said, "Hey,...