Elephants, Green Beans, and Super Glue

You know, some days you just feel sort of.....well, ordinary. Un-special. Like there's nothing particularly remarkable about yourself or your life. One of those days when you feel like you could just melt into the wallpaper and never be missed.

I was having one of those days a couple of weeks ago. It was just one of those "Blah" days when smiles are rare and laughter seems like a foreign language.

Since this is the holiday season, I keep a running "to-do" list. With a sigh, I picked up my notebook to see what I needed to accomplish that morning.

There were three entries:
Green Beans
Super Glue

I sat there looking at that list, and a smile spread across my face -- what an outlandishly ridiculous list that was! I seriously doubt that there was anyone else in the country with a to-do list consisting of elephants, green beans, and super glue! God was nudging me in the ribs, saying, "See, Child, you ARE unique and special! Just take a look at that list!"

And I think He was laughing as hard as I was!


To translate that list:
I was supposed to collect whatever elephant carvings I had to loan to my mom for a missions program. I needed to buy a can of green beans to add to our family Thanksgiving dinner. And I needed to super-glue a tiny rhinestone back into a bracelet.

Or maybe... just maybe....... I was getting creative:

Blessings, yall!


David Waters said…
Creative is an understatement!
As always, you awe me. Thank you for this post today.
My list are seldom understood by anyone. ( sometimes even me). LOL.

BTW, The low tire pressure one, yep, crying. You are so blessed and in turn bless me.Your writing is like being there watching a beautiful, REAL love story.
I Love You, REALLY !!!
Christina said…
I love the creativity of joining these 3 words together
Aliza said…
I knew something good was going to come of those three words on your list!

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