19 -- Prednisone Plump / CHEESECAKE

This one is short, sweet, and to the point.  Prednisone makes me crazy!

It gives me some energy, but it also makes me want to peel the paint off the walls and eat it.  Seriously.  I have to practically nail my butt to the couch to stay out of the kitchen, otherwise I would eat everything in there.  UGH.  

And even if I DON’T eat, the drug plumps my face and body anyway.  I feel like my neck has disappeared and my face is turning into a moonpie.

Prednisone in my body screams for food.  MUST. FEED. THE. BEAST!
I am drinking water by the gallon to avoid eating.

 It is, apparently, a “necessary evil” at this point in my treatment.

 So I will dutifully take it, like a good little girl.  Well…. BIG girl.  I will eventually be able to taper it down.  So this, too, shall pass.

***   ***   ***   ***   *** 
Untethered Time Travel:  CHEESECAKE

It is 1992.  I am 36 years old.
Dinner time, and we’re all seated at the dining room table. 
We have a treat for dessert tonight: 

I cut and place 5 pieces on saucers and serve them to my 
husband and three children.  
Yummy!  Everyone is enjoying the cool delicious treat! 

Our son Drew is 4 years old.  He finishes his cheesecake, looks up at me with 
his big brown eyes, and very innocently asks,
 “Mama, do you know Jesus that lives in my heart?”

Feeling a sweet rush of love, I smile and say, “Yes, I do!”

Then Drew says, “Well, Jesus-in-my-heart would like a piece of cheesecake too!”

Needless to say, Jesus-in-Drew’s-Heart got an extra slice of cheesecake!  
  (After we all stopped laughing!)


Rosemarie said…
Look at all that hair!
Prednisone is our friend but also our enemy!
Hope you are doing better!
Love, Rosemarie 🌹
Anita said…
Oh my goodness, the hair!! Hahaha Isn't it awful?
I'm feeling a little better each day, thanks! <3

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